Member Categories
The SFMCA has four types of Members - Full, Provisional, Associate and Lifetime Members.
Meetings of members are held by each Branch, with a focus on regional issues relevant to the membership base. National issues are addressed through the SFMCA Federal Council, of which each State Branch is a member. Members are welcome to attend any of the branch meetings.

A Full Member is any individual, partnership, company, corporation or other business unit actually engaged in the production of compound feeds, liquid feeds and other ingredient blends for livestock and/or poultry having completed and holding FeedSafe accreditation for each of its owned and operated stockfeed manufacturing sites

An Associate Member is any individual, partnership, company, corporation, or other business unit or any other association closely allied to or associated with the feed manufacturing industry.

A Provisional Member is as for a Full Member, but where FeedSafe accreditation has not been obtained. Their rights are restricted as determined by the Federal Council (e.g. unable to use the SFMCA and FeedSafe logos

SFMCA recognise the following people for invaluable service to the Association and the stockfeed industry through Life Membership.​
2008 Peter Allen
2014 Ian Reid
2016 Reg Gough
2018 John Spragg
2018 Robert Parkes
2019 Geoff Clatworthy
2019 Graeme Dillon
2022 Rex James
2022 Denis M'Gee
2022 Dr. Richard Carter
Benefits of Membership
Working with other stockfeed manufacturers to improve the industry.
Opportunity to meet regularly with other feed millers and suppliers to the industry to address common issues that you face.
Through meeting attendance receipt of information from a varied number of speakers presentations.
Access to the SFMCA member’s only section of the website. This provides industry reports and information as well as access to SFMCA submission to government initiated reviews and legislation proposals.
Ability for input in industry policy development and interaction with government bodies that control stockfeed regulations and industry controls.
Access to free Basic Training modules and reduced price to access Advanced Feed Mill Training service provided on-line by Uni Qld.
Networking opportunities to mix and socialise with like-minded business men and women.
Receipt of meeting minutes keeping you informed of activity within you state.
Receipt of SFMCA Issues Update keeping you informed of national issues being addressed in your industry.
Involvement in FeedSafe through the accreditation of your feed milling site to the Code of Good Manufacturing Practice. This includes use of the FeedSafe logo on products, printed materials, advertising and signage.
Access to the SFMCA Executive Officer to provide advice in feed industry relevant areas of concern for you and your business.
Capacity to attend and take part in the bi-ennial Australasian Milling Conference.
Guaranteed access to insurance cover suitable for stockfeed manufacturers through our insurance service provider.
Benefits of being an Associate Member of the Stock Feed Manufacturers’ Association
In addition to the benefits above, Associate Members gain from having the opportunity to regularly meet with feed manufacturers. This allows networking to build relationships and trust engendering new business opportunities.
Associate members are highly valued members of SFMCA and play an essential role in keeping the organisation briefed on relevant issues within the industry.